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Final DBT for Trauma Feedback Form

Please fill out this brief survey, which will help us to ensure a satisfactory delivery of DBT skill training. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated.

Breakout rooms

We used breakout rooms for homework review and to work through topics together. If you were to participate in this group again, would you like to see:

Case Studies

At times we used fictional cases to demonstrate when skills could be used, or how you might use them. If you were to participate in this group again, would you like to see:


When possible, we tried to encourage participation and discussion from the group. If you were to participate in this group again, would you like to see:

Session Material 

Prior to each week's session, you were sent the slides and handout information.

Amount of Information

The amount of information I received in the session was


In the orientation session, we suggested setting aside 15 minutes a day for homework.

Overall Impressions

The DBT group was what I expected
Strongly DisagreeNeutralStrongly Agree
I felt ready for the group to wrap up
Strongly DisagreeNeutralStrongly Agree

Thanks for submitting!

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